The Regional Strategy of Sustainable Development

The Regional Strategy of Sustainable Development

The Regional Strategy of Sustainable Development has been approved on 13 December 2021 with the regional Legislative Assembly resolution of approval no 25.

The Regional Strategy of Sustainable Development (Strategia Regionale di Sviluppo Sostenibile – SRSvS) defines the contribution to the achievement of the National Strategy and of the 2030 Agenda objectives. It has been developed on the basis of guidelines provided by the control room (governance body) and due to a broad civil society involvement.

logo strategia regionale sviluppo sostenibile marche


The choice of logo is not random:

  • it is hand drawn because the strategy must be developed with citizens, men and women who are personally involved in the journey
  • the Region dresses in sustainability and the dress has all the colours of the 2030 Agenda Goals
  • just by "riding" together we will achieve the goal.

The second version of the logo is the digital one: however, it continues to represent the Sustainable Development Strategy regional vision


The Strategy has been defined in line with the required process innovation, which concerns the strong connection of 4 areas of action: namely the socialenvironmentaleconomic and institutional ones, in order to overcome the "sectoral" approach.

The Strategy identifies five strategic choices, which are supported by enabling factors, defined as sustainability vectors. Vectors have been developed into 19 objectives and the implementing actions have been already identified. In addition, the SRSvS has developed a particular focus on the theme of territorial resilience for which it has identified three directions of development.



A. Preventing and reducing the risk of disasters by reducing the hazards exposure and the vulnerability, increasing the capacity of response and recovery, and thus strengthening resilience;

B. Addressing the issue of climate change and the related social and economic asymmetries;

C. Recognising the ecosystems value and then protecting biodiversity;

D. Pursuing equity, by tending towards the eradication of poverty, inequality for what concerns the development benefits and the realization of dignity conditions for everyone’s life;

E. Promoting industrial research and technological innovation toward the development of new sustainable productive solutions for what concerns energetic innovation and efficiency, emissions reduction in the environment, recovery and reuse of by-products and waste, and development of biocompatible productions.


  • - Common knowledge;
  • - Capacity building;
  • - Education, awareness-raising, communication;
  • - Subsidiarity, participation and partnerships.


  • Regional and interregional green infrastructure;
  • Adaptation to climate change (central Apennine river basin);
  • Resilient municipal planning methodology.

The SRSvS defines the framework for the Strategic Environmental Assessment – SEA, and, to this end, the contribution indicators that must be used in the SEA have been identified, and they are related to the context indicators of the Strategy, with the target identification.


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What does sustainable development governance mean?

The governance includes efforts, means and instruments that are necessary for the management of the involved subjects’ actions (Region, Local Authorities, Associations, Citizens, Academia, etc.) towards common objectives. It implies the shared responsibility of different levels and stimulates participation for what concerns the formulation of regional policies for sustainable development.

Each citizen is responsible for his/her own actions and only together we will be able to achieve the objectives.

How is the institutional governance organised?

An effective governance for sustainable development requires multi-actor and multisector approaches, which take into account all the related economic, social and environmental dimensions.

To this end, the governance of the SRSvS definition and management process is organised according to three different interacting levels:

  • Regional internal governancewhich ensures the activation and balancing of all the Regional Organization levers;
  • Territorial governancewhich includes Local Authorities;
  • Interregional governance, for the development of instruments aimed at the management of emergencies, by increasing the resilience of communities and territories.

Regional internal governance

Regional Sectors that somehow refer to sustainable development contributed to the SRSvS under the direction of the control room, which is composed by the Departments Directors and which represents the joint between political and managerial activities.

The control room is chaired by the Director of the Infrastructure, Territory and Civil Protection Department and uses the technical and operational support of the Energy sources, waste, quarries and mines Sector, which manages the implementation activities for the SRSvS and which also has secretarial functions. Additionally, the control room has an intermediate level, made by representatives who are identified by the Departments Directors, follow the implementation of sustainable development policies and collaborated in the Regional Strategy of Sustainable Development definition.

Territorial governance

The involvement of Local Authorities uses informal, through direct contacts for the development of specific actions, as well as formal mechanisms, such as the formalization of an institutional coordination table with the National Association of Italian Municipalities (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani – ANCI) and the Union of the Provinces of Italy (Unione Province d’Italia – UPI).

Interregional governance

The interregional governance is constituted by a coordination table composed by representatives of the Abruzzo, Marche and Umbria Regions, designed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition (former Ministry of the Environment and of Land and Sea Protection). The table aims to ensure the connection and implementation of the Regional Strategies development lines, in relation to the issues of resilience and sustainable reconstruction for what concerns residential, infrastructure and socio-economic systems of areas with high seismicity, defined as regional development of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (Strategia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile – SNSvS).

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The sustainable development policies need an appropriate monitoring system. To this end, in order to monitor activities in relation to the 17 goals of Sustainable Development, some indicators have been identified.

They are “contextual” indicators that represent concrete objectives, which should be pursued by each State and developed according to the territorial peculiarities. Indicators have been defined according to the SNSvS declination process, to the indicators selected by the Inter Agency Expert Group on sdgs (IAEG-sdgs), made by the United Nations Statistical Commission, and to the Fair and Sustainable Well-being (BES) indicators, both updated and commented by the National Statistical Institute (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica – ISTAT).

The indicators are available on the statistics website.

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